Morning Plans and Music

I had plans for today and they started going wrong pretty much first thing out of bed. Nothing bad happened, just a reminder that no matter how simple your expectations, there's always room for them to be—the usual word here is "subverted" but that's not quite right, let's say "diverted".

I woke up and headed to the kitchen to make some pancakes for my breakfast. But I was interrupted by the discovery that someone had made banana bread muffins the night before. Now no one would have objected if I had also made the pancakes I planned, but it felt superfluous. And I'm flexible with my breakfast carbs anyhow, so those will wait for another day. Right now, I will have a muffin.


I'm not sure what prompted the thought last night, but my brain bubbled up the facts that 1) I do not have a local copy of Tom Lehrer's music, which I quite enjoy, and 2) that it is all in the public domain. So I made sure to download it after breakfast. If only all my todo list items were so easy. Here is the link if you would like it too:

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